It had the fifty-first highest percentage of Cuban residents in the US, at 8.51% of the town's population.
In the ensuing decades, Cuban residents have spread out to other communities of North Hudson County.
It also had the sixtieth highest percentage of Cuban residents nationally, at 5.98% of the population.
Cuba has hospitals for Cuban residents and others that focus on serving foreigners and diplomats.
As of 2000, Atlantis had the 126th highest percentage of Cuban residents in the US, with 1.70% of the populace.
Among Cuban residents, there are comparisons to the land confiscations they suffered under Cuba's Communist rule.
Tuition and room and board are free for Cuban residents, while the cost of books is subsidized by the state.
Both Cuban residents and unfamiliar tourists will have the luck to see and add as referred to informative Cuba holidays a unique...
As of 2000, Miami Beach had the 22nd highest concentration of Cuban residents in the United States, at 20.5% of the population.
Hialeah has the second highest percentage of Cuban and Cuban American residents of any city in the country.