The Cuban population officially registered in the United States for 1958 was around 125,000 people including descendants.
Tampa has a bigger Cuban population than Miami, on account of the cigar factories.
But the Cuban population here tends to be more liberal than in Miami.
There is a good deal of pent up demand among the well-educated Cuban population.
The Cuban population in Florida is a particularly good market for Disney, he said.
The Cuban population is only allowed to work as cooks, gardeners and taxi-drivers, but not to become owners or investors of any property.
'Transformismo' (drag performance) is well accepted by the majority of the Cuban population.
It's a reflection on that city and its Cuban population.
"I feel like I'm alienating the entire Cuban American population."
To what extent has Cuba as a country and the Cuban population over the past 40 years had a reasonable chance of developing its own policy?