The ignorance and utopian expectations of a US change in Cuban policy is astounding.
But he praised some Cuban policies, saying that the health care and education systems "work better than most other countries'."
That has been the lesson of America's failed Cuban policy over the last 40 years.
But Mr. Clinton is facing more pressure in an election year from opponents who threaten to turn his Cuban policy into a major political issue.
Espinosa began to write critiques of Cuban economic policy which he published overseas.
Clinton softened his Cuban policy in 1998 and 1999.
They also said the conference might give countries a platform inside Cuba to attack Cuban policies that they dislike.
The debate on Cuban policy needs to be recast.
The embargo was embraced by few of the United States' allies and apparently has done little to affect Cuban policies over the years.
He also hinted that the White House would modify its Cuban policy before the presidential election.