Picadillo, ground beef that has been sauteed with tomato, green peppers, green olives, and garlic is another popular Cuban dish.
Black beans are now being used not only for the classic soup alongside Cuban dishes but also to make black-bean cakes and salads.
After some deliberation she pronounced very carefully: "It's a Cuban dish."
He taught her how to cook traditional Cuban dishes.
The tropical climate produces fruits and root vegetables that are used in Cuban dishes and meals.
Its restaurant, in a similarly restored building across a quiet street, serves slightly more sophisticated versions of classic Nicaraguan and Cuban dishes.
Now, the old restaurant that served authentic Cuban dishes across the street is owned by a Mexican and tortillas are the main fare.
Paella is not a Cuban dish, but many customers order it here.
Sophie's restaurants feature classic Cuban dishes like stewed chicken, roast pork and shredded beef.
Cafécito is a sweet little restaurant that offers authentic Cuban dishes, tempered by cooking techniques that are lighter than is traditional.