Created in 1943, the comic-book character was inspired by a Cuban child, its creators said.
Between 1960 and 1962, 14,000 Cuban children were sent to the United States.
But politicians' cynical posturing at one boy's expense can still be transformed into something that helps millions of Cuban children.
This embargo punishes millions of Cuban children just like Elian.
Today there is workshops for young Cuban children to learn painting.
Every few months, he told the interviewer, he donated the money to a group that purchased medical supplies for Cuban children.
Before the Revolution, most Cuban children were not included in the school system.
It is very popular among Cuban children.
"We only want, like we do for all Cuban children, for the people of Cuba to be free and sovereign."
Cuban children enjoy free access to quality education and health services, something which we in the UK just dream about.