Brian could not conceal his astonishment, for he had said nothing about the Cuban affair.
Administration officials, however, say they are responding in part to what they describe as concerns expressed by "constituencies" interested in Cuban affairs.
She has been an active dissenter in Cuban affairs since 1988.
But experts on Cuban affairs, including some Clinton Administration officials, said it remained to be seen whether it was a significant overture.
It also gave the United States an open door to intervene in Cuban affairs.
She had won several important awards, received some coveted assignments and rose to become the Pentagon's senior analyst on Cuban affairs.
She moved on to analyze Cuban affairs until 1992.
The amendment allowed the United States to intervene in Cuban affairs.
Economists and political scientists who follow Cuban affairs say they doubt either of these areas alone can provide the lift needed to keep the economy afloat.
This was a Cuban affair, with hardly a tourist in sight.