A fuel spill on the Cross Bronx had forced an exit ramp to close.
The other officer said someone reported somebody throwing a brick off the bridge over the Cross Bronx.
Either way, there is little debate that the Cross Bronx will eat your car alive.
There were 2,622 accidents - 5 of them fatal - on the Cross Bronx in 2000, the last year for which statistics are available.
But the Cross Bronx is named for being cross.
Currently, trucks heading east to the market generally take the Cross Bronx to the Sheridan.
By noon I was back on the Cross Bronx, which felt slightly less hellish.
Eagle Awards in 2006 for favorite writer/artist of the Cross Bronx.
As for film, Greenfield had his feature film debut in the Cross Bronx.
"The Cross Bronx is always a culture shock," he said.