The three main nationalist parties that have dominated politics in the Muslim, Serbian and Croatian regions will be excluded.
"Go back to Dalmatia," a Croatian region, read a pamphlet left at a bus-stop in the town.
Elements of European ballroom spread throughout the region, and dances such as the polka soon became widspread all throughout the Croatian regions.
He has also been held responsible by many Bosnians for supporting the "ethnic cleansing" of Muslim and Croatian regions.
Nikšić was born in Gospić in Croatian region of Lika.
Varaždin County today represents an important Croatian region with intense industrial and commercial activities and a strong financial sector.
The areas roughly correspond to Croatian regions that have predominantly Serb populations.
The couple settled in Croatian region of Slavonia.
He went on to become head Imam in the Croatian region of Dalmacija.
In my view, this augurs well for active participation by the Croatian regions in the EU's future policies.