After long years of hard work, he produced the first steam powered carousel and sold it to Crescent Park.
Looff accomplished fantastic achievements and, after his death, his family continued to operate Crescent Park.
Crescent Park - A hamlet northeast of Amsterdam city.
Crescent Park became known as "the Coney Island of the East" during this time.
Shortly before he died, he was running the "boat merry-go-round" at Crescent Park in Providence.
The old armory in Crescent Park was demolished in 1946.
Crescent Park became known as "The Coney Island of the East".
Crescent Park is thought to be Grand Rapids' oldest park.
Friends of Crescent Park, a nonprofit organization, was created to renovate and maintain the park.
Crescent Park, he added, was "a glaring example of what could go wrong."