Several fires burned large areas south of Cranberry Lake.
Nature's wonders take center stage, with Cranberry Lake the star; the 165-acre preserve is an ideal place for a meditative walk.
On a north arm of the lake is the community of Cranberry Lake.
I've learned about Cranberry Lake and Marshlands from top to bottom.
He also had an instinct for the right route, although he himself once got lost on Cranberry Lake near where we had camped.
The environmentalists think the frogs and snakes in Cranberry Lake are more important than the people.
"Cranberry Lake is glacially made - it has been here since the glaciers - and we have some very, very old habitats," he said.
The unincorporated community of Cranberry Lake is located in the town.
Cranberry Lake is widely known as Harvey Lake to the point where most residents are unaware of its original name.
Cranberry Lake can also offer serendipitous encounters will small mammals and other wildlife.