The community's side streets wind around the hill, past cottages and expansive Craftsman homes.
People from across the region have been attracted to the historic Craftsman homes that escaped demolition.
Another common location is the Craftsman home of the Eppes family.
An influx of middle-class families have moved into the neighborhood, attracted by the abundance of Craftsman homes and relatively low prices.
There are Craftsman homes and Mid-Century modern apartment buildings.
Craftsman homes, bungalows, historic mansions, duplexes, and apartments can all be found in this area despite its small geographic size.
There are also examples of early 20th century Georgian Revival and Craftsman homes.
Craftsman homes often have a garden theme.
Downtown Vallejo retains many of its historic Victorian and Craftsman homes.
The American Craftsman home was designed by Seattle architect John Graham.