Beneath the surface of the lake lies the old Coyote Valley.
Part of San Jose, the Coyote Valley also includes the tiny unincorporated community of Coyote, California.
De Anza College wildlife biologists and students have monitored wildlife in the Coyote Valley since December 2007.
Currently, Coyote Valley is home to large areas of orchards and farms, although that scene has been expected to change for decades.
On March 18, 2008, the developer/landowners in Coyote Valley announced they would no longer fund the Specific Plan process, which terminates that planning process.
Metcalf Energy Center A 600 megawatt power plant located in the northern section of Coyote Valley.
His wife was the first non-Indian woman to enter the Coyote Valley.
Rancho Guenoc was six square league land grant encompassing essentially all of Coyote Valley.
In 2008 land was purchased in Coyote Valley and San Benito County for the future development of additional campuses.
Coyote Valley, a semi-developed section of the Santa Clara Valley with one of the highest recorded bird species richness and nesting densities in the nation.