The Council renewed the law in 1987, adding several provisions, including the ban on "warehousing" units, or keeping them empty.
Instead, the Council renewed the mandate for four days, until Tuesday, to allow more time for negotiations.
At the Arts Council he secured the role as a distributor of funds from the national lottery and had its Royal Charter renewed.
The Council and the city's labor unions are renewing their calls for tax increases.
The European Council issued a strong condemnation of this traffic in human beings and the Council renewed its commitment to Europe-wide action against the criminals involved in such activities.
The Council did renew, but in a weakened form, the sanctions against the regime. The travel ban against Mugabe and senior members of his regime has not been effectively enforced.
At least last week Council renewed its targeted sanctions, but these are not being applied with any real vigour; they are not hurting Mugabe's cronies.
The Commission has therefore recommended that the Council should renew the association agreement for the lifetime of Framework Programme 7.
The process is already underway and the Council has renewed its support for it.
The mayor is elected for a four-year term and the Council renews half of its 21 members every two years.