A third case was resolved when the Ombudsman compelled the Council to release to the public documents it had previously not acknowledged the existence of.
In 1949 the Municipal Council released the garbage dumping ground area at Nittawela the club.
The Council releases a list of the hundreds of grants, which total from $6 million to $12 million, depending on how they are calculated.
The Council released an interim report with a series of recommendations in October 2011.
In 1967 the Council released its first booklet containing information that would assist citizens in their dealings with the Police.
The Council released a survey finding that New Yorkers could save as much as 40 percent on prescription drug costs by comparison shopping.
Neither the Mayor nor the Council has released details of the Council's plan.
A Council of Ancyra in 358, chaired by Basil, released a statement using the term homoousios.
If so, when will the Council officially release the citizens of Austria from this ordeal, which violates their democratic rights?
The Council of Institutional Investors released a list of 50 large companies it found to be laggards in financial performance.