In the preamble of the resolution, the Council reiterated its support for the eradication of international terrorism.
The Council also reiterated that preventive and post-conflict measures were part of a comprehensive conflict prevention strategy.
The Council then reiterated the objectives of the Force, set out in resolutions 425, 426 and 444 which must be attained.
The Council reiterated its position that children should have access to basic services throughout conflict and post-conflict periods.
The Council commemorated those who had died and reiterated the importance that was attached to their safety.
The Council also reiterated earlier warnings from a consultant's report of problems with the partnership's outreach workers, who were homeless themselves.
The Council therefore reiterates its opinion that fishing pressure would be greater and more damaging to population numbers than the solution which was eventually chosen.
The Council reiterated in July that only a political solution would bring about a lasting settlement of this conflict.
We can expect the Council to reiterate the principle of once and only once.
Secondly, no progress has been made on enlargement either, with the European Council merely reiterating what it had already said.