The Council leadership has quietly circulated a compromise plan.
The terms of the bill that Council leadership is proposing were outlined by staff members.
The Council leadership also challenged the Mayor's revenue projections, saying that, given the surprising strength of the national economy, they are too low.
The members each control $187,687 to spend on staffs and district offices, without oversight by the Council leadership.
The Council leadership is tied in with the powers and practices of the past that have held this city back.
Since the Council leadership is generally friendly to labor, union leaders had hoped to increase the Council's power over any such effort.
It appears right now that the Council leadership wants to negotiate a solution.
The welfare committee had been prepared to vote on the matter yesterday, but deferred action after discussions between the Council leadership and the administration.
The Council leadership and other opponents of the proposal were depending on the courts to spare them from a referendum.
But she is often persuaded, often by the Council leadership.