Winner of a Scottish Arts Council Award.
In 2005, Roselle and Robert Carothers were the first recipients of the American Council on Education's Fellows Mentor Award.
The Scottish Arts Council Award for Composers (1970)
In 2008, she won a Christian Broadcasting Council (CBC) Award for her album Promised Land, in the category of Best Worship.
His first novel, A Green Tree in Gedde, was published in 1965 to acclaim and won the 1967 Scottish Arts Council Award.
Arts Council Award for Achievement (1988)
English Language Arts Council Award, 2000.
His novels Assassins & Victims and The Punctual Rape won Scottish Arts Council Awards.
He has been the recipient of several Arts Council Awards and his work is in many private and public collections (including the OPW and UCC).
Award "Kinotavr" (1996) in the "President's Council Award for creative careers"