According to the plan submitted to Amtrak, the montage was intended as criticism of the Coors family for its support of conservative causes.
The Coors family has been known as opposers of unions, embracers of conservative causes, but hardly as coddlers of employees.
When the Coors family identified the found objects as belonging to the missing victim, the FBI was faced with a massive task.
Through philanthropy, conservative politics and, of course, beer making, the Coors family helped shape Colorado.
The Coors family owns all the company's class A Stock and 60 percent of the class B publicly traded stock.
Members of the Coors family could not be reached for comment on the situation yesterday.
Coors Brewing broke tradition by naming a president and chief operating officer who is not a member of the Coors family.
Reinforcing the Philosophy The Coors family is not exactly standing by idly.
"The accompanying text, appearing on either end of the montage, criticizes the Coors family for its support of right-wing causes, particularly the contras in Nicaragua."
The company is owned by a trust of the Coors family.