He'll do that in March, as the Constitution prescribes.
The Constitution prescribes the oath that presidents must take.
Perhaps even more important were the interviews with their subjects at stated intervals that the Constitutions prescribed for every superior, the so-called manifestation of conscience.
Furthermore, where the Constitution has prescribed equality, it has done so explicitly, such as the section 92 prohibition against discrimination of a protectionist kind.
The Constitution prescribes the objectives, composition, executive powers and legislative functions of local governments.
The Constitution specifically prescribes a set of principles of cooperative governance and intergovernmental relations.
The results face almost certain challenge in the courts on the ground that the Constitution prescribes no limit to the tenure of members of Congress.
Greater political will is needed to enable us to carry out what the European Constitution provides for and prescribes, which we do not want to remain unfulfilled.
A 1611 Constitution (amended 1633 and 1635) prescribed many officials.
He said he would not serve the full five-year term that the Constitution prescribes.