The Constitution mandates that religious figures remain "above politics," which is construed to disqualify registered monks from voting as well as running for office.
I believe that when we must go to war, we must have a Congressional declaration of war as the Constitution mandates, and we fight to win.
The 1987 Constitution mandates civilian control of the military and establishes the president as commander in chief of the armed forces.
The 1987 Constitution mandates that Arabic (along with Spanish) is to be promoted on a voluntary basis.
Presidential Vote Uncertain It was unclear whether the cancellation applied only to the parliamentary voting or also to presidential elections, which the Constitution mandates within 45 days.
Education is one of development sector that getting priority by government (referring The 1945 Constitution mandate, as stated in article no 31 point 2), with final purpose to increase quality of human resource of Indonesia.
Although the Constitution mandates that education is "free," related expenses that include books prevent some children from attending.
The outer limits of Congressional authority under the commerce clause "always will engender legal uncertainty," he said, adding, "The Constitution mandates this uncertainty by withholding from Congress a plenary police power that would authorize enactment of every type of legislation."
(Constitution mandates this to occur on Jan. 6; since that is a Sunday in 2013 Congress voted to change it to Jan. 4 )
Article 125 of the Constitution mandates that laws shall be published in the gazette and shall take effect on the date of their publication, unless stipulated otherwise.