He touts a study he commissioned by the Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis, which projects that the project could create 6,145 jobs.
"We only have a 4.2 percent unemployment rate," said Fred V. Carstensen, the director of the Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis.
University of Connecticut Center for Judaic Studies and Contemporary Jewish Life (Director)
The awards are given annually by the Connecticut Center for the Book, which is a program of the Hartford Public Library.
By the spring of 1997, the Buckenheimers began to investigate other options and discovered the Connecticut Center for Child Development.
Currently in its second year of operation, the Connecticut Center for Child Development, where Will Buckenheimer attends, is in the process of being accredited.
The school has just received $27,500 in grants from the Connecticut Center for School Change, a private Hartford-based foundation, to help support the cluster program.
When finished, the Connecticut Center for Science and Exploration will also be a part of the project.
Values will continue to climb, according to an economic impact assessment by the Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis, at the University of Connecticut.
Mr. Lachman will become executive director of the Connecticut Center for School Change, a public policy group.