President Bush scored his first Congressional victory for his tax cut when the House voted 230 to 198 to reduce rates.
This was the narrowest win of his six Congressional victories.
So despite its Congressional victory in 1994, conservatism has managed to wind up with some important attitudes that are outside and even hostile to American thinking in 1996.
At that time, Republicans presented a coordinated campaign, built around the Contract With America, which helped their legislative candidates ride the wave of Congressional victories.
Winning a line-item veto would give Mr. Bush a much-needed Congressional victory.
After a series of Congressional victories, they reached Santiago and deposed Balmaceda, who fled to the Argentine embassy and committed suicide.
Four years ago, the Republicans won a major Congressional victory by promising large and important reforms in the operation of the Federal Government.
White House officials, still energized from Republican Congressional victories in November, brush off the criticism.
With two big Congressional victories behind them, gun control advocates are asking themselves what the next step will be.
Their first child, a daughter, was born shortly after his Congressional victory.