Congressional negotiators said that they had completed the Conference Report on February 11.
Congressional negotiators included a variation of this language into an agreement to fund the government for 2012, which guarantees that these support services remain available.
Congressional negotiators and their aides have been meeting for more than a week to reconcile differences between the two versions.
Congressional negotiators have finally reached an agreement on a bill to raise the federal minimum wage.
But he said that even the administration's views on the legislation could shift as Congressional negotiators sought compromise language to revive the bill.
Congressional negotiators were also making rapid progress this evening on minor changes in the Federal sugar and peanut programs.
Congressional negotiators and environmental leaders agree that without his support, the 1990 Clean Air Act would not have been possible.
Congressional negotiators agreed on a measure providing $30 billion for the savings and loan bailout.
Those differences will probably have to be resolved before the Administration and Congressional negotiators address the fundamental disputes between the two sides.
Congressional negotiators agreed on new air-quality rules to reduce damage to the environment caused by acid rain.