The President singled out punitive legislation against Russia, Iran and Cuba as examples of Congressional initiatives that boxed him in.
It was one of several Congressional initiatives Mrs. Clinton has pushed that benefit the company.
The three upcoming attempts to override vetoes are all on Congressional initiatives that the Bush Administration has treated as unnecessary, or worse.
The legislative defeat also marked the first time in decades that any President had lost a major Congressional initiative toward freer trade.
For the last decade, as part of a Congressional initiative, the National Parks Service has been trying to identify and preserve sites related to the railroad.
Most were created by the Clinton administration, but a few began as Congressional initiatives backed by former President George Bush.
More than $30 billion in economic development resulted from his Congressional initiatives.
Further, I am not aware of any Congressional initiatives to seek a waiver.
The temptation to squander the money on pork-barrel projects would be minimized by Congressional initiatives requiring local cost sharing and increased environmental scrutiny for public works projects.
And after years of reluctantance, the Reagan White House agreed to a Congressional initiative that set standards raising the efficiency of new consumer appliances like refrigerators.