When the provision was approved last year, Congressional experts estimated the revenue loss at only $300 million.
Congressional experts said the agreement cannot go up until the President issues his waiver, a report declaring that the free-emigration conditions have been met.
Mr. Bush's policy team often reaches out to Congressional experts.
Drafting this legislation is likely to take at least three months, Congressional experts estimate.
Congressional experts are also looking at various tax-deferred financing mechanisms for farmers.
Several Congressional experts on the drug issue said it might be necessary to delay full financing of key items until the the fiscal year 1990.
It sounds too good to be true - and in the view of some Congressional experts, it is.
Credits have a way of turning into outright aid, a Congressional agricultural expert said.
Congressional experts generally agree the arms pact will probably be approved by the Senate.
A final decision to close the plant could come as early as this week, Administration and Congressional experts say.