It is scheduled to expire at the end of 2007 and needs Congressional endorsement to continue.
Yet early reaction to the Administration's bonus plan, which is a new element in its five-year productivity improvement program and will require formal Congressional endorsement, is different.
American troops should take part in the Bosnia operation, but not without Congressional endorsement.
Still, Mr. Clinton should resist any temptation to strike pre-emptively at Iraq, and, if the military confrontation persists, should seek explicit Congressional endorsement.
Senator Byrd, an advocate of seeking Congressional endorsement for American participation in a peacekeeping force, said he concurred in Mr. Clinton's request for Congress to hold off any action.
Richard A. Gephardt, the Missouri Democrat and longtime minority leader in the House, is by far the leader in Congressional endorsements, with 31.
Geared to Fight Terrorism" (front page, Nov. 20): Overwhelming Congressional endorsement of a new Homeland Security Department addresses the urgent threat of terrorism to our national well-being.
(See also Congressional endorsements for the 2008 presidential election.)
On Friday, Howard Dean, the self-proclaimed Washington outsider, surged ahead in the battle for Congressional endorsements, claiming 35 representatives and three senators.
But he still trails Representative Gephardt, who is the leader in Congressional endorsements, with 31.