The Congressional demand presents the foundation with a lose-lose proposition.
It would meet insistently growing public and Congressional demands for concrete steps to halt and reverse the nuclear arms race.
Although the documents were released in direct response to a Congressional demand, they also served a public relations function.
The Administration has since been fighting Congressional demands that it give three more Blackhawks directly to the police.
Frustration over the trade deficit has fed Congressional demands that Japan increase military spending to reflect its current economic power.
Congressional demand for GAO services continues to increase.
The commission is already the target of Congressional demands for the resignation of one of its five members.
Two Bush administration agencies have disagreed over how to satisfy a Congressional demand to install tire pressure monitoring systems in cars and light trucks.
The anger manifests itself in impatient Congressional demands for rasher action.
The injuries were then compounded by Congressional demands for better accountability in the background checks, which slowed processing even more.