He will also help out in Washington, where he has recently re-emerged as a powerful force in Congressional deliberations on how to stimulate the weakening economy.
Congress, which currently considers science and technology issues in some 100 different committees and subcommittees, should form a House-Senate joint coordinating committee to expedite Congressional deliberations on science and technology policy.
Under the threat of a missile-launched nuclear Armageddon on 20 minutes' warning, the idea of protracted Congressional deliberation could be made to look like an absurd 18th-century anachronism.
But the Senator said he could not identify a minimum level of acceptable military spending, saying that the pace of Soviet weapons production will have a strong bearing on Congressional deliberations.
President Clinton said today that he would no longer sign multiday, stopgap spending measures, and sought to inject a sense of urgency into slow-moving Congressional deliberations over bills needed to keep the federal government running.
Secret Congressional deliberations, he points out, only send the message that "a deal is being cut."
Now Brian Lamb tells us that even the most basic of American news - Congressional deliberations - is being silenced in our new TV universe of supposedly infinite choices.
Beyond the future impact on Federal courts, the brief will also color future Congressional deliberations.
Presidential campaigns and Congressional deliberations should not be involved in trying to make it appear that someone is not patriotic.
The Senate majority leader Trent Lott, Republican of Mississippi, said of Mr. Clinton's proposal lacked specifics to guide Congressional deliberations.