Congresswoman Kingston, is it your contention that all covert operations should be under direct Congressional control?
As in the Pentagon's Poindexter project, Justice's aim is to avoid judicial or Congressional control.
Congressional control over the money for the war is one of the most powerful weapons Democrats will have in trying to influence administration policy toward Iraq.
But part of organized labor's plight is firmly under Congressional control.
The preferable way would be escrow, with reliable Congressional controls.
Congressional control began in 1801 and the area was no longer under Virginian jurisdiction.
With the Democrats back in Congressional control, that is no longer possible.
They have also benefited hugely from the Congressional control they won in 1994.
The chairman of a House armed services subcommittee immediately responded that big weapons programs needed more Congressional control, not less.
With elections that would determine Congressional control looming, reaching agreements became much more difficult in 2002.