Congressional conferees agreed to raise $23 billion in taxes in the next two years.
The official said the proposal was too small to merit mention in Mr. Clinton's television address and had won final approval from Congressional conferees only this morning.
If they act sensibly, Congressional conferees will quickly undo this protectionist mischief.
Congressional conferees have reached a sketchy agreement on external review, a key component of the patient's bill of rights.
Congressional conferees are expected to meet in the next several weeks to resolve differences between the two bills.
Congressional conferees, obliged to hammer out differences between the House and Senate tax reform bills, decided to scrap this privilege.
Thus the department is opposing the D'Amato amendment as Congressional conferees work out a final crime bill.
Congressional conferees have reached the part of the 700-page bill that addresses motor vehicles, the source of much of New York City's air pollution.
Congressional conferees today moved close to removing an accounting provision from the House version of the savings bailout bill, an action that would make its capital standards even tougher.
Congressional conferees agreed on compromises to the Bush savings and loan bailout plan, ending a weeklong stalemate.