However, the required congressional authority to form a compact was never granted.
In fact, there has been no vote, in part because the administration says it does not need Congressional authority.
The participants might decide that Congressional budgetary authority should be limited to support for the national defense.
The court's response to these crucial issues was to propose what is in effect a compromise between presidential power and Congressional authority.
Responding to questions, he has talked at length about his commitment to civil rights, privacy and Congressional authority.
The President can also call up reserves without Congressional authority for a limited amount of time.
Democratic leaders said it was the first step in using Congressional authority to intervene in the conflict.
By 1985, he was recognized as a leading Congressional authority on Pentagon policy.
There are federalism cases, but the debate over limits on Congressional authority by now has a familiar ring.
With a little luck, I'll have Congressional authority to begin negotiations for the creation of a real world government within the month.