The President's budget, as re-estimated by the Congressional agency, would reduce the deficit to $134 billion.
An official said the investigation was ended because a similar inquiry is being conducted by a Congressional agency.
It has even questioned the Congressional agency's authority to conduct the research.
The Congressional agency, which tracks the government's cash flow every month, predicted that the deficit for this fiscal year would reach a record $401 billion.
The Congressional agency said its conclusions were derived in large part from group interviews with experts at the nation's leading cancer centers.
He assumed that the economy would grow 3.4 percent next year, while the Congressional agency envisions growth of 2.1 percent.
The Congressional agency gave 58 examples, such as an emergency generator that failed after 453 hours of use rather than the 5,000 planned.
The Congressional agency said its conclusions were derived in large part from interviews with more than 100 state and Federal officials around the nation.
The Congressional agency would cut research and development of new weapons, including "Star Wars," by a quarter.
The Congressional agency also asserts that greater reductions in overhead are possible by making tough political decisions to reduce the number of bases.