Three months ago, the Congressional Budget Office predicted a Government surplus of $111 billion this year.
For that same year, the Congressional Budget Office is predicting a deficit $53 billion above the range.
The Congressional Budget Office predicted that the economy would begin a weak recovery by the middle of 1992.
But the Congressional Budget Office predicted today that the deficit would be $141 billion.
The Congressional Budget Office has been predicting a sharp decline in the figure for this year, to $175 billion.
The Congressional Budget Office, however, predicts a deficit of $141 billion, and some economists say even that figure is optimistic.
In 1992, the Congressional Budget Office predicted that the deficit would be $322 billion in 2000.
The Congressional Budget Office predicts that growth this year will be only 1.8 percent, in line with the consensus of private economists.
The Congressional Budget Office predicts that the number will soar to 17 million by 2008.
In a report today, the Congressional Budget Office predicted a resurgence of health care inflation, even without new requirements.