Another of Lumumba's sons, Guy-Patrice Lumumba is also active in Congolese politics.
A period of instability in Congolese politics followed the 1992 election.
- "I make rather a point of steering clear of Congolese politics, to be frank, Skipper.
The movement was violently suppressed, and the purges against accused associates of the movement had a profound impact on Congolese politics.
The image of Patrice Lumumba continues to serve as an inspiration in contemporary Congolese politics.
Patrice Lumumba's family is actively involved in contemporary Congolese politics.
He diminished from the limelight following Fulbert Youlou's entrance in Congolese politics during the late 1950s.
"Congolese politics have always had the color of deceit."
The FDC failed to become a major force in Congolese politics.
These are not the actions of a man who could have navigated the chaotic and violent world of Congolese politics successfully or for very long.