Lawyers who filed the suit on behalf of the residents of Concord Village, a nearby apartment complex, said their clients might file an appeal within a week.
When Robert Moses' Brooklyn Civic Center and an adjacent Concord Village were approaching double the estimated cost, local leaders looked to Bruère to provide a solution.
One is Concord Village, near the approach to the Brooklyn Bridge, which converted in 1980.
While he lived at Walden Pond, Henry David Thoreau treated his visits to nearby Concord Village as if they were brief sojourns on the Continent.
An exception is Concord Village, a co-op development of more than 1,000 apartments on the edge of downtown beside the Brooklyn Bridge.
Now, clutching their muskets, these same farmers stood on the hillside watching black smoke billow into the blue sky above Concord Village, convinced their houses were aflame.
This area is the site of the former housing project, Concord Village.
Mr. Bergen had once lived in Brooklyn, "in a place called Concord Village at the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge."
Others spoke of the harmful impact they feared the expansion would have on Concord Village, a 1,000-family cooperative apartment complex across the street from the courthouse.
It should not be confused with Concord Township or Concord Village; the CDP shares much land with both, but these areas' boundaries are not identical.