You don't need to include any information about this loan on your Company Tax Return.
You must include details of the loan in your Company Tax Return.
However, some companies choose to include this as part of the accounts they submit with their Company Tax Return.
What should my company include in its Company Tax Return?
The only way it can change the determination is to send in the appropriate Company Tax Return.
This guide explains what a Company Tax Return is and who needs to file one.
This goes into Box 63 on your Company Tax Return.
You do this by completing and filing a Company Tax Return.
The form you submit as part of your Company Tax Return.
You'll need to include the details of this on the Company Tax Return.
You don't need to include any information about this loan on your Company Tax Return.
You must include details of the loan in your Company Tax Return.
However, some companies choose to include this as part of the accounts they submit with their Company Tax Return.
What should my company include in its Company Tax Return?
The only way it can change the determination is to send in the appropriate Company Tax Return.
This guide explains what a Company Tax Return is and who needs to file one.
This goes into Box 63 on your Company Tax Return.
You do this by completing and filing a Company Tax Return.
The form you submit as part of your Company Tax Return.
You'll need to include the details of this on the Company Tax Return.