In a utopian frenzy these radical Communists sought to erase the modern world and systematically killed off most of the country's educated and skilled people.
Communists were initially seeking collaboration with such an influential religious leader, however their attempts failed.
The Communists have sought to form a united front with ethnic groups.
Communists Seek a Role The Socialists will have to share power with the United Left in some cities.
The political fallout may be felt for years, as Communists and nationalists seek to exploit the resentment in parliamentary and presidential elections.
Gramoz Pashko, co-founder of the new opposition Democratic Party, said the Communists were seeking to stay in power by promising changes.
The Communists, he said, "sought to rehabilitate those members of the political leadership who supported the 1991 putsch and even played a direct role."
In the final chapter, which focused on the "Soviet menace," he criticized American leaders for seeking "peace" while Communists sought "victory."
In fact, like other 20th-century regimes but unlike previous dynasties, the Communists have sought to enrich, strengthen and discipline China as a modern nation-state.
Kultura virtually sustained Polish culture through the decades when Communists ruled Poland and sought to censor free expression.