He also ran for the United States Senate on the Communist line.
Inability to break through the Communist defensive line, lack of will.
They all just follow the Communist line - liberals, intellectuals, Communists.
Here I can only give a brief indication of the Communist line of attack.
The foreign capitalist newspapers, in general, laid the blame for the fighting upon the Anarchists, but there were a few that followed the Communist line.
- Aesop Their second proposal has been part of the Communist line for twelve long years.
"Not that it concerns you, but a government along Communist lines is Quebec's only hope of standing alone."
Q. Did that story in any way reflect the Communist line?
- Would you say that it resembled - whether it reflected or not - the Communist line with respect to race problems?
He told the subcommittee that his advice to young people today would be "keep away from anyone who talks the Communist line to you on the campus."