Finally the former Communists joined in the vote.
Then Mr. Papandreou directed coalition talks from his hospital bed but failed to persuade the Communists to join him.
French labor unions, ecologists, Communists and farmers have joined to demand his immediate release, burying other differences in a shared politico-gastronomic outcry.
The Socialists obtained an absolute parliamentary majority, and four Communists joined the cabinet.
Communists joined almost any organization which was prepared to have them and some secretly enrolled in local Labour parties from which they were ostensibly excluded.
If you Communists had joined with me and Norman Thomas to back Frank Roosevelt, we wouldn't be here now!
Several said they had no intention of allowing the Communists to join the Command for the No.
From the 1940s through the 1960s, Communists and Islamists sometimes joined forces in opposing colonialism and seeking national independence.
But its new rules allowed Communists and other socialists to join and it soon fell under the control of the former.
Since no party won a majority, the Communists then joined an all-party government.