These feelings were especially strong when he attended the 1992 Chinese Communist Party Congress.
The authorities put him under a loose house arrest during last week's Communist Party Congress, but he says the pressure for democracy is irresistible.
One important milestone will be the 15th Communist Party Congress, which convenes this fall.
Like everything else that occurred during this week's Communist Party Congress, the demonstration had gone as planned.
This is a particularly delicate time as the leaders prepare for the 14th Communist Party Congress this fall.
The three aides also demanded an immediate meeting of the full Communist Party Congress to discuss the "coup."
In eight months the issue will be decided at a Communist Party Congress.
Starting today, with the 28th Communist Party Congress, he must begin to practice it or risk losing his remaining power base.
In a few days, at the closing of the 16th Communist Party Congress, China's new leaders will be announced.
As they took stock of their country's status at the Communist Party Congress last week, China's leaders had reason to feel optimistic.