The documents are to be considered at the next Commonwealth meeting scheduled for July 16.
A later British Commonwealth meeting concluded that it could not "determine conclusively the constitutionality of the resignation of President Nasheed", but called for an international investigation.
If it is suspended from the Commonwealth, Fiji's military leaders will be barred from all inter-governmental Commonwealth meetings.
The first was yet another Commonwealth meeting, to prepare a broad policy among the powerful Commonwealth countries that would help to offset the massive US influence over the Latin American countries.
Current proposals for further action have yet to be implemented, including that made by John Major (as chancellor of the exchequer) at last September's Commonwealth meeting of finance ministers.
This Commonwealth meeting is, for its part, the perfect opportunity to address these issues and find responses to today's crises and challenges.
The impact of rising oil prices on poor countries was a concern at a Commonwealth meeting.
Mr. Berezovsky, who is scheduled for questioning by the Russian prosecutor's office, said that once he had missed the Commonwealth meeting, he was no longer in any hurry to return to Moscow.
She has a personal flag - an initial E and crown within a chaplet of roses - for use at Commonwealth meetings.
Although the structure of these Commonwealth meetings has rightly evolved with the times, I would like to think that they retain their unique character.