A commission, chaired by B P Mandal is set up.
We formed a commission, chaired by the former international referee Winston Jones, who looked carefully at all aspects of the law changes.
Thirty years ago, a national commission chaired by Kenneth Ryan produced guidelines for research on living human fetuses.
These and other critics looked to the mayoral commission, chaired by Andrew Cuomo, to provide a more palatable approach.
That commission, chaired by Mr. Vagelos, recommended the restructuring of the three state research institutes into one.
Assisted dying should be offered as a choice to terminally ill patients, said the commission chaired by Lord Falconer.
This also was the conclusion of the 9/11 Commission, chaired by Governor Thomas Kean.
The investigating commission chaired by Morozov found her non-responsible and suffering from "chronic, mental illness in the form of schizophrenia."
Below are commissions or probes chaired by Eliyahu Winograd.
He also initiated the Co-operative Commission, chaired by John Monks.