"I'm a conservative, but I'm also someone who looks at all sides of every issue," Mr. Caster said after a Chamber of Commerce luncheon here.
The former mayor of Merced, Marvin Wells, told a Chamber of Commerce luncheon that the "Vietnam refugees" were "a problem" for California.
In 1981, he startled a Chamber of Commerce luncheon by saying that "the black people are really racist."
JeffersonCoChamber1 - The Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce luncheon took place on May 18th at Steubenville Country Club.
For example, a Chamber of Commerce luncheon in the story, typical of any small town, is changed from the mundane when one member, as a prank, pays a fine in fairy gold.
Ms. Ferraro, speaking at a Greater Harlem Chamber of Commerce luncheon at Columbia University, offered a similar observation: "The cold war is over," she said.
"We think code sharing is truly deceptive," Mr. Crandall said in a recent speech at a British-American Chamber of Commerce luncheon in New York.
I was just on my way to the Chamber of Commerce luncheon.
Among the notable moments in the restaurant's history was in 1980 when then presidential candidate Ronald Reagan made a campaign speech at a South Shore Chamber of Commerce luncheon.
"If our quest is for proof positive, we probably will be left somewhat unfulfilled," Mr. Rumsfeld said at a Chamber of Commerce luncheon here.