The Ten Commandments monument still stands just to the northwest of the Capitol in Austin.
Justice Moore, left, was suspended after defying a court order to remove a Ten Commandments monument from the Alabama judicial building.
The Ten Commandments monument, he said, failed that test.
The group contended that their First Amendment Rights were violated by the existence of the Ten Commandments monument.
The day the rulings came down, the Christian Defense Coalition announced a campaign to place more Ten Commandments monuments in communities across the country.
Mr. Phelps said a court ruling allowed monuments of all religious convictions to be displayed on city property if the Ten Commandments monument was allowed.
Thousands of citizens descended on Montgomery to protest the imminent removal of the Ten Commandments monument.
The Ten Commandments monument was donated to the state in the 1950's.
He faces a judicial ethics proceeding next month for defying an order to remove a Ten Commandments monument from the state judicial building.
"Thousands of Ten Commandments monuments will now stand in public parks, courthouses and state capitols across the country."