After the extremely successful Bezdany raid in 1908, Piłsudski decided to transform the Combat Organization into a newer, larger formation.
At the same year she joined Combat Organization of the Polish Socialist Party.
In 1906, together with Czesław Świrski, she established secret manufactory, where they produced explosives for Combat Organization.
He became a key member of the Combat Organization.
Targeted by the SR Combat Organization, he was assassinated by a terrorist bomb at the Kremlin.
During the war he co-founded the Jewish Combat Organization.
At 14, she joined Jewish Labor Bund and in 1942 the Jewish Combat Organization.
When such cooperation crumbled, as happened in the Warsaw ghetto after the Jewish Combat Organisation displaced the council's authority, the Germans lost control.
"Jewish Combat Organization") also gained his military training in Betar.
The Jewish Combat Organization sentenced him to death but were never able to execute him.