It shows a circular island, reached by three pedestrian crossings, in which the Columbus Monument would be ringed by a stepped fountain, trees and a landscaped berm almost four feet high.
Columbus Monument was designed by the Syracuse-born architect, Dwight James Baum in 1895.
The Columbus Monument is surrounded by an asphalt expanse.
Braced for a fight - or at least a lively debate - over the renovation, Ms. Hotchner finds a hopeful augury in the view from the restaurant toward the Columbus Monument.
Statue of Religion at the base of the Columbus Monument at Piazza Acquaverde, Genoa.
At the high end, work on the Columbus Monument at Columbus Circle and the Heinrich Heine Fountain in the Bronx would cost $275,000 each.
For now, these monuments are up for adoption to achieve the repairs noted: Columbus Monument (1892).
Begin a tour of the waterfront at the Columbus Monument, at the foot of the Ramblas.
In 1987, when the monument program began, the highest estimates were $275,000 for both the Lorelei and the better-known Columbus Monument at Columbus Circle.
Next to the monastery is the Columbus Monument.