They also wore brand-new combat boots, and each carried a .45 Colt Model 1911 A 1 'automatic pistol in a shoulder holster.
It was similar in design to the Colt Model 1877.
Havoc backed away from the mutation and drew the Colt Model 45 on his right hip.
He went to the wardrobe where he was hiding the Argentine copy of the Colt Model 1911 .45 pistol and took it out.
He worked with John M. Browning on the development of the Colt Model 1911 pistol.
The Colt Model 1889 was the first double-action revolver to utilize a swing-out cylinder, released by a sliding latch.
Approximately 5,000 Colt Model 1889 revolvers were produced.
Colt made the initial C8s for Canadian Forces as the Colt Model 725.
This episode presents details about the Colt Model 1877 .41 caliber, the gun used by Billy the Kid.
A more knowledgeable assassin would have used a more powerful Colt Model 1860 .44 caliber revolver.