Colt Industries has 30 days to file an appeal in State Superior Court.
The company was later sold to Colt Industries, where it is now a division.
It has been several years since Colt Industries decided to sharply reduce the role its firearms operation played in its overall business.
The deal involves the purchase of 20,000 M-16 rifles manufactured by Colt Industries.
In 1989, Colt Industries, its parent company at the time, put the firearms unit up for sale.
Her stepfather is an executive vice president and a director of Colt Industries in New York.
The voluntary suspension of civilian sales of one model by Colt Industries will make only a tiny dent in that market.
The company manufactured packing and sealing products; and was taken over by Colt Industries in 1975.
He headed a group which acquired the company from Colt Industries.
"I've always felt Colt Industries starved them and never bothered with their future," he said.