Daniels is also the sole Colorado school named on the list.
He made a call, to the Colorado School of Mines.
He was a part-time professor at what later became the Colorado School of Mines.
Colorado education law allows students to enroll at almost any Colorado public school, not just at those in their home district.
After graduation, he became the head football coach for the Colorado School of Mines in 1918.
Due to limited enrollment numbers, small Colorado schools often struggle to assemble enough players for even a viable six-man football team.
Others chipped in, too, including students at a Colorado private school who sent in 2,719 box tops redeemable for $271.90.
The Colorado School of Mines is a public research university devoted to engineering and applied science.
In 2010 the world's first all female mine rescue team was formed at the Colorado School of Mines.
He played college football at The Colorado School of Mines.