Colombian leaders rejected the offer.
Human rights groups and some Colombian political leaders say that the paramilitaries are evolving into a Mafia-like organization that depends on the cocaine trade.
"We don't know if they are disappointed," a European diplomat said of Colombian leaders.
Several Colombian leaders said they believed that the most effective and least corrupt organization pitted against the drug traffickers was the national anti-narcotics police unit.
Federal drug officials said they had urged Colombian leaders to spray poppy fields with pesticides.
It is named after an early Colombian leader, Antonio Nariño, who is often referred to as the precursor to the presidency.
They requested a meeting in Panama with Colombian leaders to resolve the crisis, but were denied by the Colombian government.
Police and media are accused of creating the image that every delinquent band has Colombian leaders.
November 4 - Alfonso Cano, Colombian militant leader (b. 1948)
Before these dates, all Colombian regional executive-branch leaders were appointed by the President himself.